Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Serial Killers Are Defined As Those Whocommitstake The

Serial killers are defined as those who commits take the lives of 3 people in over a period of a month. Most serial killers commit murder for some sort of psychological beneift. Serial killers vary in many ways, some serial killers have patterns, some have motives, some are organized and other are disorganized. Richard â€Å"The Ice Man† Leonard Kuklinski, Aileen Wuornos, and Charles Cullen are three specific serial killers who all had different motives for taking the lives of many innocent people. Richard The Iceman Leonard Kuklinski was born in in April of 1953. Anna McNally, Kuklinkis mother was a catholic who worked at the church. His father Stanley was a violent alcoholic, that beat Kuklinksi and his sib siblings daily Kuklinski†¦show more content†¦He often killed people who were loud and obnoxious and reminded him of his father. While committing murder, he often imagined killing his father. Murder became an occupation of the Kolinski. Murder became the way he provided for his family. Kuklinski killed within his own community. If someone rubbed him the wrong way, for some imaginary or tremendously slight reason he would shoot, stab the man to death. Kuklinski admits in his interview enjoyed the challenge the most, and the physically murder was second. He enjoyed stalking, and pulling off the murder. He got a rise of empowerment (Kuklinski, n.d). At the young age of 14, Kuklinski joined a neighborhood gang. Kuklinski was bullied, by a young boy named Charley L ane. Kuklinski beat Charley Lane to death with a thick wooden dowel. Lanes body was never found, Kuklinski dumped the body off a bridge. Kuklinski dismembered the body to prevent identification by taking out his teach and chopping off the fingertips of his victim. He began his killing spree by being a hit man for the mafia. Kuklinski had earned his street reputation as an hotheaded person who would severely harm or kill anyone who got in his way.. His reputation eventually attracted the attention of the Newark s DeCavalcante crime family, where he took care of their business by killing or harming people for a paid living. Shortly after Kuklinski began raiding Hell s Kitchen searching for victims,

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